V-Studio 700 Earns Future Music Magazine's Platinum Award

Future Music Magazine honors SONAR V-Studio 700 with a Platinum Award and a lengthy review in their latest edition.

Grab the August 2009 issue to read what happened when Future Music’s Greg Scarth tested the SONAR V-Studio 700 system in a variety of ways- by recording a few tracks with an acoustic guitar and vocals, calling up the included Fantom VS Synth, controlling SONAR 8 with it’s touch-sensitive knobs and ACT capabilities and even hooking up the system to a MAC run rig. In short, Scarth calls SONAR V-Studio 700 ‘a virtual studio for the 21st century’ and ‘a control surface that offers a level of DAW control that puts others to shame.’

Visit Future Music Magazine on the web for the latest news in technique and technology for making music.

Future Music Captures Demo of V-Studio 100

Future Music Magazine met up with Cakewalk’s Brandon Ryan in Frankfurt, Germany at Musikmesse 2009 in March. Brandon was demonstrating the many functions of SONAR V-Studio 100, giving them a tour of all the knobs, buttons and controls. Watch the video below to get a close up look at Cakewalk’s own Swiss Army Knife:

Sonar Studio VS100 demo at Musikmesse from will seelig on Vimeo.

Please see our latest post about SONAR V-Studio 100 for more information on this product.